These past few weeks have been busy for us. Harvest time is now in season and we love to take advantage of this beautiful fall season we have had. Fall has always been my favorite season since birth. The leaves give everything a reason to enjoy this season. I bet the East coast looks wonderful. I dont exactly live in an area with a lot of fall trees bleeding to a different color, but I recently went to Julian with the kids to an apple festivity. It was fun. Although the apples in the orchard were tiny and hard to find any available. But the kids loved picking the apples and putting them in the bags. The kids went on a little hay ride, and hay ride I mean a little tractor with a trailer behind it. I was able to take some photos of the kids during this festive day. They both wore red and overalls to celebrate this day. They were both very cute. Cassey was out to sea this week so he wasn't able to show up for it.
But we went home and made some apple cobbler. It was really good.
Kimberly has been doing well in school. She loves to sing. She gets comments on her voice.
Collin still misses not going to school. He always asks, " Is this my school?" I say it will be next year just so he wont get upset that he cant be in there with Kim.
We get our photos done today. It will be a setting with 1920's look. Some how, all of us ended up getting haircuts this week. So we are all ready for the photos. I just hope the kids will cooperate and smile. That is always the hardest.
We went to a community festival for the military family. It was alright. They didn't have a lot of stuff to do. But the kids love going on the rides.
I am headed onto my next course, which is English. Wish me luck. I am not good with English. I would like to be. I'm just not good with it.
So far I am doing well with school. My current grade is an A. But it is starting to get hard. It wont stop me though.
Well I hope to come home with a cd of my photos that will be taken today. So I will come back here and post more. Please keep reading my posts. There are always new changes.