Autumn Background

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Natalie Bean and her progress.

Well its been a roller coaster since we had Natalie. She has had surgery, been in the hospital for a couple weeks, struggling with eating, etc. And I have gotten no sleep over it. I occasionally get the sleep I need. If I am incredibly tired, I will nap with Aidan and Natalie. It is hard to do when Aidan doesn't want to sleep. Natalie is growing. She has just been in with the Doctor on Monday and she finally reached her birth weight, but it doesn't impress the dr. much yet. He was hoping she would gain more than that. So now she will be seeing a nutritionist about her eating and diet. I am doing the best I can with her. Its not an easy process. I can feed her so much but from there, it really depends on her body and development. We are excited about Halloween. I will have to post photos when the time comes for Halloween. I took some photos of Natalie in her blessing dress made by my mother. It is a beautiful gown. I can't wait to get shadow frames and put their blessing outfits in them. I also took a photo of her in patriotic outfit. I was mostly screwing around with that photo.
We will not be in Colorado any longer for Christmas. We have decided to move back to Idaho to live with Cassey's sister. It was the impression to help save money and to get out of the house we are in now because this house is a terrible rental property. We may not know where we will be after Cassey is out of the Navy, but we will be closer to family and hopefully the jobs he looks for will be closer.
I have to add that going to Penrose Apple Festival was a ton of fun. The kids and I love going to any harvest festivals around. It is a family tradition I hope to keep going. They love going and picking apples from the apple orchard and going on hay rides. The best is the opportunity to have apple cider. Yum. We have had a fun Fall so far and are looking forward to the Holidays coming up. Please respond and let me know how your families are doing. I like knowing that all is well with people in the world. I will post more photos and updates when I can. Jenny