Autumn Background

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wisdom Teeth

I had my wisdom teeth pulled out on Thursday. It was weird because they didn't tell me to count backwards or anything. And my doctor didn't look like he was happy. So I was uncomfortable seeing him before he put me asleep. When I woke up, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. Which is usually what happens when they don't tell you they are putting you to sleep. I usually get warned about this stuff. Today is Saturday and I am still soar. As long as I have my meds, I am okay.
Tara has been a big help through it all with the kids. She has been helping out plenty. I would do something in return for her right now, but I am a little soar in the face. And talking is not something I want to do all day.
All of our kids have the flu. Which is bazaar. Tara and I haven't had it yet. I took Tara and Fred to the hospital because the fever that Fred had didn't go down. But I told her it was just a change in climate. And the flu is in fact going around right now. Collin and Kim have both had it. Collin has got another fever again today.
Tara and I are trying to find ways to relax around the kids. There are just so many of them.
Its been a crazy couple of weeks with all these kids around the house, but all in all, its been good. Can't wait for the kids to start school. It will be nice. I will probably update more information when I feel a little better. My face hurts at the moment. Take care to you all.

1 comment:

Jean McKendrick said...

ooh bummer, I hope you start feeling better soon!